Saturday, September 10, 2011


We found a hamster cage at a garage sale for cheap and decided it was time for Asher to get his first pet...a cute little hamster he decided to call Dasher.  He first wanted to name him Hamster.  We said no.  (its actually a girl but Asher says its a boy)  He wanted to name him Asher. We said he couldn't name it Asher cuz that name is taken.  So he modified it to Dasher.  He loves that little guy, especially when he runs around in his little ball.  Best part was we scored the little fur ball for free because it was a runt and was getting picked on, so they were giving it away.  Best thing I never bought.  

1 comment:

  1. ahhhhh hannah!!!! dasher is the cutest thing. i miss you guys so much! we had so many hamsters when we lived in missouri. i hope you have one of those little balls they roll around the house in. those are the best:)
